Empower Growth through Volunteer Opportunities
Do you have space in your life to give back to your community? Do you need to get away from the buzz of daily life? Looking for some peace and quiet that is rewarding beyond your own benefit? Below are a variety of inspired volunteer opportunites that you can do alone or with a group of friends, coworkers or an organization. Click a day and time to schedule and appointment

Your Mind is A Garden
Your thoughts are the seeds.
You can grow flowers or
You can grow Weeds
Bring your headphones or listen to the symphony of nature and get into the groove. We will have garden gloves and the tools you'll need to get the job done.
The session is 1 hour long, however feel free (and I emphatically encourage you) to stay longer, if it feels right.
During this session, you will meet with the founder of DECA, Hawa Lassanah at the DECA City Farm plot at the time you designate, and together, we will get our hands in the dirt, working to bring #foodjustice to all. Come alone or bring a friend, bring the family, co-workers alike!
Sweeping clean
the murky bed
of the valley river,
it washes all out into
the shining waves beyond
- Saigyō, Shingon Poet
Although the water is nourishment, to carry it is the work.This is why it has its own category.
Participants must be able to lift 25-40lbs (3-5 gallons of water) without assistance or injury. Water is heavy! But oh what a blessing it is!
During this session, you will meet with founder of DECA, Hawa Lassanah at the DECA City Farm plot at the designated time, and receive guidance on where and how to fill up various buckets and barrels in order to fill our barrel-based irrigation systems, as well as manual watering if necessary, and doing the work to bring #foodjustice to all. Come alone or bring a friend, bring the family, co-workers alike!

Harvest Volunteer
Plucking an Orange
A reaching
A Pulling
A closing
An opening
-Anita Avia (Age 9)
There is one thing sweeter than tasting the fruits of ones own labor, and that is sharing those fruits with the community.
During this session, you will meet founder of DECA, Hawa Lassanah at the DECA City Farm plot at the designated time, and receive guidance on harvesting, herbs and vegetables for our CSA or for our other community garden-farms. Tasks may include kitchen time to help process vegetables.
The session is 1 hour long, however feel free (and I emphatically encourage you) to stay longer, if it feels right.
NOTE: Take note of which location you are signing up for.
Come alone or bring a friend, bring the family, or co-workers!

Your Mind is A Garden
Your thoughts are the seeds.
You can grow flowers or
You can grow Weeds
Bring your headphones or listen to the symphony of nature and get into the groove. We will have garden gloves and the tools you'll need to get the job done.
The session is 1 hour long, however feel free (and I emphatically encourage you) to stay longer, if it feels right.
During this session, you will meet with the founder of DECA, Hawa Lassanah at the DECA City Farm plot at the time you designate, and together, we will get our hands in the dirt, working to bring #foodjustice to all. Come alone or bring a friend, bring the family, co-workers alike!

Images from the Camoin Tarot Card Deck
The visual language of the Tarot harkens back to the year 1000AD, and incorporates aspects of Masonic, Taoist, Buddhist, Christian, astrological, alchemical, Tantric and Sufi beliefs among others. To learn ore about theTarot and the journey of the soul in the human experience, click here.